Three Cheers for Tildes Android and iOS Tildes client
Three Cheers (Android version) has reached version 1.0 as of April 2024!
Previously: Alpha testing announcement posted to Tildes on July 28, 2023.
Alternative opt-in link for testing, if you are on web:
APK for sideloading
If you prefer to sideload, an APK is provided here for direct download. Note that it may not be kept as up-to-date as the Google Play release.
Three Cheers v1.3.6 Android APK (37 MB): [2025-02-28] v1.3: Edge-to-edge UI on Android 11+; support Android 15
SHA256: f23d24f94aacc09200d9ce253a381ce8450a65770b6eaebe4342cbd8b6f2f44f
Three Cheers (iOS version) has reached version 1.0 as of May 2024!
Previously: Alpha testing announcement posted to Tildes on November 1, 2023.
TestFlight link for beta testing the latest features in development:
Support requests
Please visit the Help Center for questions and to submit support requests.
About Tildes
To learn more about, please visit the official Tildes Docs website. You can read about the website philosophy, community code of conduct, and more.
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Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.